Тест 1


Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative or superlative form of one of the words in the list. Use than where necessary.
long, small, warm, important, northern, large, big, deep
1. England is the _______ part of Great Britain.
2. Ireland is ________ Great Britain.
3. The Thames is the ______ river of the UK.
4. The Severn is the _____ river of the UK.
5. The Thames is the ______ river of the UK.
6. Scotland is the _______ part of Great Britain.
7. Winters in England are _______ they are on the continent.
8. London is one of the ______ ports of Europe.

Key: 1. largest; 2. smaller than; 3. deepest; 4. longest; 5. most important; 6. most northern; 7. warmer than; 8. biggest


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